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$12 CAD
The Wormwood Absinthe Spoon is by far the most sought after spoon. It is also one of the most sought-after spoons by collectors of antique absinthe ware. The grille of the spoon features the grand wormwood plant, Artemisia absinthium (the key ingredient in absinthe). Woven through the wormwood plant is a banner which on the original spoons sometimes contained advertisement text. The bottom of the spoon contains a small ridged area that was originally used to break apart a piece of sugar from a sugar loaf (or clump), before sugar cubes were available. The spoon is an exact reproduction of the original 19th century design.
Absinthe is best enjoyed diluted with cold water and sweetened ever so slightly. This absinthe spoon, resting atop an absinthe glass, will hold a sugar cube. Ice water is slowly dripped from a fountain, carafe, or balancier onto the piece of sugar. The cold sugar water then drips from the spoon into the glass of absinthe releasing oils and perfuming the air with fennel, grand wormwood and anise. The combination also begins to turn milky white in colour, as the water mixes with the anise.