$18 CAD
This style is considered the quintessential traditional Pontarlier absinthe glass, with a plain uncut design. This glass is made in the same proportions as an original Pontarlier glass, including its reservoir. The reservoir area is used to measure the amount of absinthe to be served. This was intended to aide the bartender in a bar setting, by knowing the correct amount of absinthe to pour, and it helped the customer know it was an honest pour.
This is a moulded, machine made glass, so it is thick and solid — ideal for heavy duty use in a bar or restaurant.
Sold individually or in a gift box set of 2.
The glass was originally named after it appeared in an advertisement for the number one absinthe producer of its time, Pernod Fils. The print featured in the brand's hometown newspaper in Pontarlier, France (see photo below). Because the company was so popular, the print was sent all over France, only adding to the brand recognition for Pernod Fils and the Pontarlier glass.